Casper, Christian | Faculty
Ph.D., Teaching Professor in Technical Communication, College of Engineering
311 Gorguze Family Laboratory
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About Christian
I’m a Teaching Professor of Technical Communication in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan, where my pedagogical interests lie in communication within the fields of aerospace, biomedical, and chemical engineering and in the first-year and capstone design experiences.
I have research interests in rhetorics of science and technology, genre theory, and discourse analysis, and I continually seek to translate material from this work into pedagogical tools to improve communication practices in engineering, particularly within the design-build-test cycle.
Ph.D., Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media, North Carolina State University
M.A., English Language and Literature, Eastern Michigan University
M.S., Chemistry, University of Michigan
B.S., Liberal Arts and Sciences (major: Chemistry, minor: Biology), Iowa State University
Casper, C. F. (2016). The online research article and the ecological basis of new digital genres. In A. G. Gross & J. Buehl, Eds. Science and the Internet: Communicating Knowledge in a Digital Age (pp. 77–98). Amityville, NY: Baywood.
Casper, C. F., Fowler, R., & Wisniewski, E. (2013). Review of the book Solving Problems in Technical Communication, edited by J. Johnson-Eilola & S. Selber. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 56(3). 256–259.
Casper, C. F., & Miller, C. R. (2010). Digital rhetoric and science. In S. Priest, Ed. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Communication (pp. 224–227). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Casper , C. F. (2007). In praise of carbon, in praise of science: The epideictic rhetoric of the 1996 Nobel lectures in chemistry. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 21(3), 303–323.