Alfano, Kenneth | Faculty
P.E., M.S., J.D., Teaching Professor in Technical Communication and CoE Undergraduate Education
317 Gorguze Family Laboratory
About Ken
Kenneth M. Alfano is a biomedical engineer with expertise in electromechanical systems for biochemical analysis, and regularly teaches both engineering design and technical communication in the College of Engineering. He has published and presented on the topics of microfluidic genotyping and red blood cell fragility testing, and is an inventor on several patents. He is licensed as a Professional Engineer (PE), and also educated in economics and in law. Courses taught at UM have included ENGR 100, ENGR 255/355/455, TC 300, TC 497, BME 450, and BME 588.
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Wayne State University
M.A., Economics, University of Detroit Mercy
J.D. (Law), Wayne State University
B.S.E., Industrial & Operations Engineering, University of Michigan