Macha, Annah | Faculty
P.h.D., Lecturer III in Technical Communication, College of Engineering
5109 Engineering Research Building 1
About Annah
My name is Annah Sephene Macha. I come from Botswana in Southern Africa. I am an educator, scholar, and researcher. Before coming to the USA to pursue my PhD studies, I served as a Teaching Instructor at the Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST). At BIUST, I taught Technical Writing & Professional Communication, Academic Writing, First-Year Composition and Library Literacy. I have experience teaching English Language Arts, and Library and Information Studies in the Botswana schools. I received the Graduate Student Excellence Awards (GSEA) for Second Language Writing Support from Fall 2020 – Spring 2024 and the Zancada Graduate Fellowship 2023-24 at the University of New Mexico. Research interests include but are not limited to Second language writing, Teaching English as a Second language (TESOL); social justice and advocacy in Technical Communication, equity and inclusion; and using multimodality in writing classrooms.
PhD., Language Literacy &Sociocultural Studies (Concentration in Teaching English as a Second Language (TESOL) – University of New Mexico
Graduate Cert., Graduate Certificate in Technical & Professional Communication – Writing and Rhetoric, University of New Mexico
MPhil., Library & Information Science – University of Cape Town, South Africa
BA., English Language and Literature – University of Botswana