Robert Sulewski

Sulewski, Rob | Faculty

Ph.D., Teaching Professor in Technical Communication, College of Engineering

313 Gorguze Family Laboratory



About Robert

Rob Sulewski teaches Engineering 100, and upper-level technical communication courses primarily in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. He is also an Intermittent Lecturer in the Department of Classical Studies in LSA, where he teaches elementary and intermediate Latin, and Great Books.  Rob began teaching at the university level in 1987, and his additional teaching credentials have included industrial hygiene laboratory, English composition, and ancient Greek drama.  He has also worked as an analytical chemist at the School of Public Health.  Rob is a registered pharmacist in the State of Michigan, and is currently a member of the Society for Technical Communication and the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing.

His research interests have included:

  • Historical and philosophical contextualization of early modern Polish drama
  • Analysis of the sedative properties of Cypripedium calceolus L. var. parviflorum (Lady’s slipper orchid)
  • Real-time gas chromatographic analysis of trihalomethanes in drinking water
  • Permeation rates of organic solvents through protective clothing (polymeric gloves)
  • Effects of increased ambient temperature on greenhouse gas production in wetlands
  • Effects of land use on diatom diversity in streams
  • Inventory of the Naididae (aquatic earthworms) in the Huron River Watershed, and the effects of dam removal on the naidid population


Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Michigan
Certificate (Polish as a Foreign Language), Uniwersytet Jagielloński (Jagiellonian University), Kraków, Poland
M.S., Environmental and Industrial Health (Environmental Chemistry), University of Michigan
Pharm.D., College of Pharmacy, University of Michigan